The «Blue Coast Marine Park» Joint Union was created on 10 July 2000 to give a new impetus to the action conducted since 1983 by the association «Côte Bleue Regional Marine Park» in order to preserve the sub-fundscoastal marine, to enhance the production of this environment and to maintain economic activities linked to the sea.
The Mixed Union comprises:
• The communes of the Côte Bleue: Carry-le-Rouet, Ensuès-la-Redonne, Martigues, le Rove and Sausset-les-Pins,
• Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur Region,
• The Département des Bouches-du-Rhône,
• The Regional Committee for Maritime Fisheries and the Prud'homies of Marseille and Martigues.
It also aims to raise public awareness of the marine environment and pursue innovative experiments and research programmes.
The French government has entrusted it with the management of the Natura 2000 site «Côte Bleue Marin». In 2012 it obtained the label of Area Specially Protected of Mediterranean Interest (ASPIM) which was renewed in 2019.
In addition, at the UN Conference on Biodiversity (COP14), the Blue Coast Marine Park was included in the Green List of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) for 5 years.
The objectives of the Marine Park are:
- Protection of marine and coastal natural environments
- The sustainable development of sea-related activities, and in particular small-scale professional fishing
- Public information and pedagogy in schools
- The implementation of experimental actions and contribution to scientific research programmes.
- The joint union’s field of activity extends over the marine environment and the entire coastline of the Côte Bleue, from Anse des Laurons to the west, to Pointe des Corbières to the east.
Manages and monitors:
- The marine protected area of Carry-le-Rouet,
- The Cap-Couronne Marine Protected Area,
- All the artificial reef developments in front of Niolon, Ensuès-la-Redonne, Carry-le-Rouet, Sausset-les-Pins and La Couronne-Carro
The Natura 2000 site “Côte Bleue Marine” is exclusively marine. It concerns the entire marine environment in front of the Côte Bleue, up to a depth of -100 m at 6 nautical miles offshore, or nearly 19,000 hectares.
It is a Special Conservation Area (SAC) designated under the European Directive 92/43/EEC called "Habitats" Directive.
The Blue Coast Marine Park is the animating structure of the Natura 2000 site Blue Coast Marine. It coordinates the implementation of the action programme set out in the Objective Documents (DOCOB).
This program aims to preserve marine habitats such as the posidonia and coralligene concretions that are essential for maintaining biodiversity and biological balances in the marine environment.
The Blue Coast Marine Park on the IUCN Green List
Following the announcement of its inclusion on the Green List of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) at the United Nations Conference on Biodiversity (COP14) in Egypt at the end of 2018, the PMCB received its diploma in December 2018 at the headquarters of UICN France in Paris.
The Green List is the first global standard to promote best practices in protected areas. The Côte Bleue Marine Park joins the circle of sites internationally recognized for the quality of their management.
This registration, valid for 5 years, commits the PMCB in a process of continuous improvement of its management and cooperation with the network of protected areas registered or candidates to the Green List.
It rewards the work of more than 37 years of management of an atypical structure driven by a common desire to preserve a multiple heritage: environmental, cultural and historical.
The South Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur region, the Bouches-du-Rhône department, the communes of Rove, Ensuès-la-Redonne, Carry-le-Rouet, Sausset-les-Pins and Martigues have been involved in this initiative since its inception but also, it must be stressed, the artisanal fishermen and the Prud'homies de pêche of Martigues and Marseille.
Specially Protected Area of Mediterranean Interest
Under the protocol «Biodiversity» of the 1976 Barcelona Convention, the signatory states developed the establishment of Specially Protected Areas of Mediterranean Interest (ASPIM).
The PMCB obtains this label in 2012, renewed in 2019, by national authorities and international experts appointed by the Centre d'Activités Régionales pour les Aires Spécialement Protégées (CAR/ASP). It will be re-evaluated in 6 years.
Being on this list means that the BCMP is recognized as having:
- Important for the conservation of biodiversity in the Mediterranean,
- Specific ecosystems hosting endangered species,
special scientific, cultural and educational interest.