The Tourist Office and the Shop
The Tourist Office is a privileged gateway for visitors to Carry-le-Rouet and a showcase of the destination, and plays a key role in promoting and enhancing the territory.
The Tourist Office fulfils several missions of proximity, serving individuals but also socio-professional.
The stay advisors welcome you and help you to prepare your stay in Carry-le-Rouet and on the Blue Coast, being as close as possible to the tourist information.
The Syndicat d'Initiative de Carry-le-Rouet was founded in 1964 and was located under the premises of the town hall. In 1979, it became an association. The Tourist Office of Carry-le-Rouet then moved to Espace Fernandel from 1985 to 2013 and then to Espace Roger Grange.
Now it is located at 11-13 Route Bleue. It has been classified in category 1 since 2017, the year in which it also received the Tourism Quality Mark.
Since January 2024 it has become associative again.
Approximately 15,000 people visit the Tourist Office every year.
Opening of the Shop in May 2023!
Come and find the Boutique in our reception area, where we honor local artisans and producers to make you discover the riches of our heritage. You will also find products whose reputation is no longer to be made (Calissons, Savon de Marseille, etc ...) there is something for everyone.
The staff will be happy to accompany you to make a gift or bring back a small souvenir of your holiday in Carry-le-Rouet!
Opening periods
From 01/06 to 30/09: opening on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday from 9.30am to 12.30pm and from 2pm to 6pm. Sunday from 9.30am to 12.30pm.
Public holidays open from 9.30 to 12.30.
From 01/10 to 31/05: opening on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm and from 2 pm to 5 pm.
Closed on Monday and Sunday. Exceptional closures on 1 January, 1 May and 25 December. Other public holidays open from 9:30 to 12:30.
Our team is made up of 5 people full-time.
Please contact us for any information.
Frank DEVOS, Director of the Tourist Office:
Sabine COUTSOURAS, quality manager, tourist tax and relation hosts:
Mandine DOMINGUEZ LOZA, Communications and DTP:
Odile OLIVIER DALLARD, Head of Shop and Ticketing:
Lisa TARRAS, Stay Counsellor, social network facilitator:
The Tourist Office of Carry-le-Rouet is classified in category I since 21 September 2017
The tourist office is part of the network of Offices de Tourisme de France® and undertakes to:
Provide you with a welcoming and easily accessible information space
Facilitate your procedures before and during your stay
Offer seating furniture
Free information on local tourist offer
Offer free access to the «METEOR» wifi
Display and disseminate its opening periods expressed in at least two foreign languages
Be open at least 305 days a year on Saturday and Sunday, including during tourist or entertainment periods.
Provide access to its trilingual website
Disseminate its tourist information also on paper and translated into at least two foreign languages relating to:
All classified tourist accommodation with at least the name of the establishment, postal contact details, e-mail address, website address, telephone number and classification level
To monuments and cultural, natural or leisure tourist sites that may include the indication of user rates, opening times and hours for the public, website and telephone and postal addresses;
To events and animations
To emergency phone numbers
Reply all year round to your letters
Provide a permanent reception service run by staff who speak at least two foreign languages
Provide tourist maps, plans and guides in paper form
Update its tourist information annually
Ensure the reliability and timeliness of information on local tourism
Display emergency phone numbers outside
Process your complaints and measure your satisfaction
Comply with the requirements of the QUALITY TOURISM brand
Provide you with a stay advisor
Since June 2017, the Tourist Office has obtained the «Quality Tourism» brand We have obtained the renewal of the brand in 2021 for 5 years
The quality procedure is based on the following commitments.
Towards visitors
Receive, inform and advise our visitors
Adapt our opening hours to the public
Meet the individual expectations of the public
Arouse the desire and discovery of our territory
Provide customers with a warm and ergonomic environment
Design, produce and disseminate hospitality and information materials on local tourism
Offer a maximum of three foreign language documents
Make the offer easily accessible through new information and communication technologies
Process complaints and measure customer satisfaction
Develop meetings (visits, exchanges, inaugurations...)
Relay information between visitors, professionals and institutions
Maintain a permanent exchange and take into account their expectations
Encourage their involvement in promotion processes
Support, promote and market (in the future) local providers
Encourage professionals to integrate quality approaches.
Towards the structure and community
Represent our structure and our community at events
Promote and communicate about our destination
Regularly inform elected officials and the community about our actions, missions and skills
Foster collaborations with city services
Be a project leader for the municipality of Carry-le-Rouet
The stay advisors are committed to continuously improving their organization and services with an overall objective: the satisfaction of visitors.
The Carry-le-Rouet Tourist Office is committed to:
Energy saving
We adapt our building’s visibility and lighting to the seasons and weather conditions.
The heating is automated in winter (thermostat) and the air conditioning works thanks to an air cooling system. We also prefer to open doors and windows in the summer.
The work tools standby mode is programmed on our workstations and we stop them as soon as the OT closes.
We prefer to purchase energy and water efficient equipment.
We send the mail in green letter (more economical, ecological, less CO 2 emission)
We digitize meetings and training whenever possible.
Our business trips are made in a reasoned and controlled way (carpooling...).
Selective sorting and waste management
We collect used batteries.
We recycle products for decoration when organizing our events.
We have set up a common waste bin dedicated to sorting paper for its future recycling.
Dog dung bags are available on request.
We distribute ashtrays during the summer season at the OT reception in partnership with the local association Les Perles de La Côte Bleue.
Responsible Purchasing
We use environmentally friendly products for our office supplies.
We give the highest priority to labelled or certified articles.
We work as much as possible in partnership with eco-labelled companies
Paper saving
We adapt our stock to the actual demand.
We print always double-sided and only print documents that are useful to visitors. We print on demand.
We encourage visitors to download or receive the requested documentation by email rather than sending it systematically by mail.
We always use drafts for our daily work.
For the general public
We have drafted “The Good Visitor Charter” to encourage visitors to follow the broad lines of sustainable development and respect our environment.
We display our sustainability commitments in the EO and on our website.
Classified Resort of Tourism
Since January 2019, the town of Carry-le-Rouet is classified as a tourist resort
The classification as a “classified resort” is assigned by prefectural decree valid for 12 years to the “tourist communities” that have structured a qualified offer to make it a destination of excellence.
To obtain this status, the municipality must meet 45 criteria, including at least 70% of units classified in all categories and a tourist office classified in category I.
The benefits of being a “resort” are:
The increase in the allowance of mayors and deputies,
The demographic upgrade to recruit officers at a higher level, or to create functional jobs beyond the community’s population threshold,
The proceeds of the additional tax to the registration fee or property registration tax,
A reduced rate of 0% of the transfer tax for municipalities with a population of less than 5,000 located in rural revitalization areas.
You have visited the Tourist Office; in order to assess your satisfaction, we thank you for filling out the satisfaction questionnaire.
Satisfaction questionnaire
If you want to make a claim, click on the link to access the form.
Despite our attention, dissatisfaction or disagreement can still occur.